

MongoDB is an open source NoSQL document-oriented database. We provide these databases with daily backups and monitoring for both shared and dedicated plans.

Supported Versions

In order to comply with MongoDB Server Side Public License, the version currently installed by the add-on is:

Important: DEV plan is free, for testing purposes only. It has lower performances and no SLA. You can find more info in the FAQ

Higher Versions

If you purchased a higher version from MongoDB and you want to deploy your database on Clever Cloud, contact us.

DEV plan is no longer available for MongoDB.

Important note about fair use on DEV plans

Heavy usage of DEV databases may impact the shared cluster they rely upon. It will degrade performance of the other databases. To that extent, DEV plan has a limit of 15 operations/second. Going above the limit might disconnect your database.

Database Daily Backup and Retention

By default, Clever Cloud performs a free backup every day, with a retention of seven days. Retention and frequency can be customized for Premium customers.

Each backup can be found in the add-on dashboard in the web console, along with the credentials.

Database Migration Process

The migration process is pretty much the same for each of these cases:

  • migrating from a Clever Cloud shared database to a dedicated one
  • migrating from an external database to a Clever Cloud one
  • migrating between Clever Cloud Databases

The process consists in three steps:

  1. First, perform a backup and download it, either with the Clever Cloud add-on dashboard or the mongodump command from your workstation.
  2. Install mongorestore (a tool packaged with MongoDB)
  3. On your workstation, use the taylor-made mongorestore command line located in your mongodb dashboard page (open the “Backup” panel and click on the “Restore” link to find the complete command line to perform the database import). If needed, change the nsFrom and nsTo flags, depending on what you actually want to do (importing this database in another, importing another to this one, …).

Encryption at rest

Encryption at rest is available on MongoDB. You can have more information on the dedicated page

Migrate your database

Clever Cloud provides an add-on Migration/Upgrade tool. You can access it from the Console, in the left menu when an add-on is selected. It allows to choose a higher plan, a new version or another deployment zone.

A migration process creates new instances, moves your data into it and stops the old ones if the process ended correctly. In case of a failure during migration, new instances are deleted and you go back to the original ones. The duration may vary depending on how much data your add-on has. Your database becomes read only for the entire duration.

If you want to restart your add-on or update to the last supported version of the current branch, migrate it to the same plan, version, zone.

Can I use Mongo Ops Manager on Clever Cloud?

To be able to use Mongo Ops Manager, you’ll need a valid MongoDB Enterprise Advanced subscription and to deploy a Linux version of their manager solution. If you haven’t purchased any license from MongoDB and you are using the Community version, you might be looking for a similar service for your databases.

Does Clever Cloud provide a similar service?

The features available with Mongo Ops Manager could be relevant if you managed your infrastructure and the maintenance of your MongoDB databases yourself. However, if you use Clever Cloud to access our Mongo add-ons, you are already opting for a managed service, and will therefore benefit from the following features similar to Mongo Ops Manager:

  • A centralized interface to access your database settings and perform operations on them.
  • A monitoring and alert system that can be configured with Grafana (an example with Slack alerts can be found here).
  • A backup and restore system already configured for our add-ons (customizable upon request) with easy migration and one-click importation.
  • The ability to automate tasks with our CLI.
  • Enhanced security through our default access management on Clever Cloud (encryption at rest, default unauthorized super admin operations, etc.).

Note that these features are available for all our databases add-ons, in addition to MongoDB.

The managed databases provide an advantage if you want to avoid the complexity of installing and deploying databases and if you want simple-to-use management and monitoring tools.

🔑 Rights and permissions

Add-ons are managed services, meaning that users have standard access to the database (role owner). Some operations like databases and users creation, as well as some settings modifications aren’t available by default. This ensures optimal performances and security for managed services as configured by Clever Cloud.

Authorized actions:

  • Manage collections (create, delete…).
  • Manage indexes.
  • Manage documents.

If you think your system might require more advanced administrative access, contact Clever Cloud support to explain your use case, and we will work with you to find a solution.

Here is the list of actions that you won’t be able to perform:

  • Database administration (for example you won’t be able to create new databases).
  • Users administration (you won’t be able to create other users than the one handled with our control plane, ie the base owner and read-only users).
  • Server configuration update.
  • Cluster creation.
  • Backup frequency or retention control.

Ask Clever Cloud support if you want to perform one of these actions.

Last updated on