If you’re having trouble deploying applications or with with git, this section is for you. From git issues to configuration errors, problems can arise at different stages of your deployments.
Git-related issues
Some files disappear after an application restart
Clever Cloud use Git to transfer your code and application’s assets from your local host to your scaler. If your application writes files on the local file system, those files are not committed: so you can’t save these files from a instance to an other.
For most of Cloud providers, the use of the file system is not a good practice. But we know it could be sometimes pretty useful. That’s why we provide an on-demand file system, easily pluggable to your app. In that case, your files will not be stored on the Git file system, but on a clustered file system, dedicated to it, accessible via FTP. This is the FS Bucket add-on.
Follow the File System buckets documentation page to set up an FS Bucket for your application.
Empty repository git error
In some cases, git may display this type of error message:
Cloning into 'project'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
Checking connectivity... done.
This usually means that you created an application and asked to start it in the console without having pushed any source code to it before.
Under the Clever Cloud console, in your application’s information menu you will find a deployment url. Add it to your local repository git remotes with $ git remote add clever <your deployment url>
You can now push your commits to the new remote with $ git push clever master
It may also be because you are working on another branch than master and pushed this specific branch to Clever Cloud and you encountered this error:
remote: You tried to push to a custom branch.
remote: This is not allowed.
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/<yourSpecificBranchName>
error: failed to push some refs to '<yourSpecificBranchName>'
Clever Cloud uses the master branch to deploy your application but this does not mean that you cannot use another one on your computer. What differs if you use another branch than master on your computer is that you need to explicitly tell Clever to consider the specific branch as the master one.
git push <cleverRemote> <yourSpecificBranchName>:master
If you called the Clever Cloud remote clever
and your local branch is production
, this becomes
git push clever production:master
‘Not a git repository’ error
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories)
This means that the folder in which you are is not a git repository.
In your console, at the root of your project, type $ git init
. This will create a new git repository for your folder locally. Link it to Clever Cloud by going under the Clever Cloud console. In your application’s information menu you will find a deployment url. Add it to your local repository git remotes with $ git remote add clever <your deployment url>
You can add all your files with $ git add .
, then you need to commit the files with $ git commit -m "<your commit message>"
You will finally push your code with $ git push clever master
‘fatal: ‘clever’ does not appear to be a git repository’
“clever” is a name used in our examples to represent the Clever Cloud servers. In order to be able to use the same name for yourself, you will need to create a git remote named clever like this:
git remote add clever <your-git-deployment-url>
You can find your deployment url under the Clever Cloud console in your application’s information menu.
Fail to push to a repository
Deployments issues
Activating the troubleshooting mode
Sometimes, when something goes wrong during the deployment, it can be hard to find out what happens. The troubleshoot mode allows you to keep the instances up while you find out what has happened. Additionally, the troubleshoot mode increases the overall verbosity of the deployment process.
To enable this mode, simply add CC_TROUBLESHOOT=true
to your environment variables.
Node application failed to deploy silently
This kind of silent error may be due to the server port your have setup in your application. Make sure your application is listening on port 8080. Most of the time, this simple line could do the trick in your main JS file:
// Listen on port 8080
What is moderation?
Moderation means your account is not accessible anymore. You might have broken some important rules of Clever Cloud’s General Terms of Use.
You are not allowed to create apps and add-ons, and run your current apps.
Possible reasons why your app has been moderated
The main reasons why your account has been moderated are:
- You run some forbidden apps such as those described on this page
- You have not paid your pending invoices older than 30 days
- Clever Cloud system considers the lack of personal information or missing payment information as suspicious
- Our payment platform has spotted you as emitting fraudulent payments.
How to recover your application online?
Contact Clever Cloud Support to explain what your apps do.
Ensure all your pending invoices are paid.
How to recover your data?
In case of a pending invoice aged more than 30 days, Clever Cloud might delete your apps and add-ons. However, we keep backups for 30 days after deletion.
You have to pay all of your pending invoices to recover your data.
Backend Timeout Limits
Clever Cloud uses Sōzu as its load balancer and reverse proxy. Sōzu enforces a 180-second timeout for all backend operations to prevent resource exhaustion from hanging requests.
For operations that may exceed the 180-second limit, implement one of these approaches:
- Use long polling to send periodic status checks from the client
- Create an asynchronous worker system: move long-running tasks to a background worker
- Purchase a custom load balancer from Clever Cloud with different timeouts
Additional considerations:
- Design your application architecture to handle timeouts gracefully
- Break up long-running operations into smaller tasks
Use your embedded Grafana to monitor resource usage when implementing any of these solutions.
How can I diagnosing Network Issue with curl
To gather detailed timing information for each step of the connection process, run the following curl
curl -o /dev/null -s -w "DNS resolution: %{time_namelookup}s\nTCP connection: %{time_connect}s\nTLS handshake: %{time_appconnect}s\nTime to first byte: %{time_starttransfer}s\nTotal time: %{time_total}s\n" https://<>
Others issues
Missing GitHub organization on the application creation page
GitHub does not give us access to organizations created or joined after you’ve linked your GitHub account to Clever Cloud (which is a good thing). So you need to let the Clever Cloud API access it. You can do that on
Feel free to reach to Clever Cloud Support if this page wasn’t helpful enough.
My application is not accessible for an unknown reason
There are a lot of open ports, according to a port scan.
If you tried to scan your domain, you may not only have scanned your app, but also several public load balancers. Here is an explanation of the different port you may see.
- Port 9999 : Zabbix uses this port to monitor the hypervisor.
- Ports 5000 to 6000 : The TCP redirection feature uses these ports to work. If you notice a port within this range open but haven’t enabled the feature, it indicates that another app on the same hypervisor is using it. The load balancer assigns a unique port to each app, ensuring that your app is securely isolated. You can be assured that other users can’t access your app through this port.
- Port 3000 : Juggernaut, the daemon torrent for the VM images use this port.
- Ports 1080 and 1081 : Those are necessary for the reverse-proxy Sōzu to be able to redirect traffic to your application. Port 1080 is for HTTP and 1081 for HTTPS
- Port 80 and 443 : Your app use these ports to receive HTTP and HTTPS traffic
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