Environment Variable Reference

Environment Variable Reference

Commons to all applications

Set by the deployment process

These are read-only variables that are generated for each scaler before they build and start your application.

NameDescriptionExample value
INSTANCE_NUMBERAllows your application to differentiate each running node on the application level.0, 1…
INSTANCE_TYPEWhether this instance is a “build” instance or a “production” instance.build, production
INSTANCE_IDThe ID of the current instance (scaler) of your application. It’s unique for each instance of your application and changes every time you deploy it.518c8d8f-e304-4310-81e0-9c4237d55645
CC_PRETTY_INSTANCE_NAMEThe random generated string as instance pretty name using pokemon names.Tiny rhyhorn
APP_IDThe ID of your Clever Cloud applicationapp_649a93d1-6677-44bc-aca7-6f46107d6e02
APP_HOMEThe absolute path to your application folder/home/bas/app_649a93d1-6677-44bc-aca7-6f46107d6e02
CC_DEPLOYMENT_IDInternal id of current deploymentf7efaf04-1a63-45a1-8503-0de7c750ee48
CC_COMMIT_IDThe id of the commit that’s currently runningd88cd2ae1aaa91923ed2bd689d95d713b6f3f45f
CC_REVERSE_PROXY_IPSA comma separated list of trusted IP addresses. You should only accept requests coming from these IP addresses.x.y.z.z,x.y.z.z
ELASTIC_APM_SERVICE_NAMESets the name of your service/application in Elastic APM. Automatically defined when you have linked an Elastic APM service to your application. You can override it by defining it yourselfYour application’s name conforming to Elastic APM naming convention
CC_APP_NAMEThe customer defined application namecloud-api-production
PORTThe mandatory port value is 80808080

Variables you can define

So you can alter the build&start process for your application.

NameDescriptionDefault value
APP_FOLDERFolder in which the application is located (inside the git repository)
CC_DISABLE_JVM_AGENTDisable JVM agent activation
CC_DISABLE_GIT_SUBMODULESDisable Git submodules initialization & synchronization
CC_PREVENT_LOGSCOLLECTIONDisable Vector service used to collect and send logsfalse
CC_HEALTH_CHECK_PATHCustom path to validate your application deployment
CC_NODE_VERSIONSet Node.js version on non-Node.js application. Don’t use it for Node.js applications, use this instead
CC_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYA ssh private key to setup for the user running your application
CC_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILEThe name to use for the file containing the private ssh keyid_ed25519
CC_WORKER_RESTARTOne of always, on-failure or no. Control whether workers need to be restarted when they exit. This setting controls all workers.on-failure
CC_WORKER_RESTART_DELAYDefine a delay in seconds to restart the worker when they exit.1
CC_WORKER_COMMANDCommand to run in background as a worker process. You can run multiple workers.

Control build and dependencies cache

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_CACHE_DEPENDENCIESEnable caching of your build dependencies to speed up following builds.false
CC_DISABLE_BUILD_CACHE_UPLOADDisable creation and upload of cache archive. Restarts won’t be speeded up.false
CC_IGNORE_FROM_BUILDCACHEAllows to specify paths to ignore when the build cache archive is created.
IGNORE_FROM_BUILDCACHE(Deprecated) Allows to specify paths to ignore when the build cache archive is created.
CC_OVERRIDE_BUILDCACHEAllows to specify paths that will be in the build cache. Only those files / directories will be cached

Control the deployment’s behavior

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_RUN_COMMANDCustom command to run your application.
CC_TASKIf set to true, the deployer runs CC_RUN_COMMAND and terminates the instance after running the task. Trigger an execution using git push or starting your instancefalse
CC_TROUBLESHOOTEnable debug log level, will also keep the VM up after failure for 15 minutes so you can SSH and debug. Don’t forget to cancel deployment if you push a new commit.false
CC_RUN_COMMAND has no effect on Docker. To run Docker, use CMD in your Dockerfile.

Deployment hooks

Use these to define commands to run between various steps of the deployment.

CC_PRE_BUILD_HOOKRan before the dependencies are fetched. If it fails, the deployment fails.
CC_POST_BUILD_HOOKRan after the project is built, and before the cache archive is generated. If it fails, the deployment fails.
CC_PRE_RUN_HOOKRan before the application is started, but after the cache archive has been generated. If it fails, the deployment fails.
CC_RUN_FAILED_HOOKRan once the application has failed to start.
CC_RUN_SUCCEEDED_HOOKRan once the application has started successfuly.

Configure extra software

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_CLAMAVStart the clamav and clamav-freshclam services (the database is updated every 2 hours). WARNING: Clamscan consumes a lot of resources (~ 1GB of memory), make sure you have a scaler with enough memory to avoid OOM.false
CC_CLAMAV_MAXQUEUEMaximum number of queued items.100
CC_CLAMAV_MAXTHREADSMaximum number of threads running at the same time.10
CC_METRICS_PROMETHEUS_PASSWORDDefine the password for the basic auth of the Prometheus endpoint
CC_METRICS_PROMETHEUS_PATHDefine the path on which the Prometheus endpoint is available/metrics
CC_METRICS_PROMETHEUS_PORTDefine the port on which the Prometheus endpoint is available9100
CC_METRICS_PROMETHEUS_RESPONSE_TIMEOUTDefine the timeout in seconds to collect the application metrics. This value must be below 60 seconds as data are collected every minutes3
CC_METRICS_PROMETHEUS_USERDefine the user for the basic auth of the Prometheus endpoint
CC_VARNISH_STORAGE_SIZEConfigure the size of the Varnish cache.1G
CC_WORKER_COMMANDCommand to run in background as a worker process. You can run multiple workers.

Redirection.io support

Redirection.io can help reduce HTTP traffic issues on your website. It gives a complete control on how HTTP requests are handled, which helps make it SEO-friendly. It can perform redirections and comes with lots of features. You can link any application to a Redirection.io project easily, setting up the proxy mode with following environment variables:

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_ENABLE_REDIRECTIONIOEnable Redirection.io supportfalse
CC_REDIRECTIONIO_PROJECT_KEYThe Redirection.io project key
CC_REDIRECTIONIO_FORWARD_PORTThe listening port of your application
CC_REDIRECTIONIO_INSTANCE_NAMEThe name of your application (optional)

The Redirection.io agent will start as a service, listen to 8080 port and forward the traffic to your application port.

Redirection.io easy setup is available in the Node.js runtime and will progressively be available on all our compatible images.

Tailscale support

Tailscale is a managed VPN service based on Wireguard that enable private networking between users, devices or machines. Clever Cloud provides a native integration of Tailscale, by mounting a VPN endpoint for each of your application’s instances.

Note that Reusable keys are required to use multiple instances. You can generate one here.

TAILSCALE_AUTH_KEYContains your Tailscale Auth key
TAILSCALE_LOGIN_SERVERContains the login server

How it works?

For a given application with TAILSCALE_AUTH_KEY configured, each instance will be configured to join a Tailscale network. Instances will be named after your configured name, suffixed with the INSTANCE_NUMBER : CC-<NAME>-<INSTANCE_NUMBER>. If you have multiple instances and use one of them for being an admin instance (using INSTANCE_NUMBER), you can match the instance from your deployment to reach it over VPN.

If TAILSCALE_LOGIN_SERVER is provided, the agent will be configured to reach an alternative control server. Note that using your own control server is at your own risks, and Tailscale can’t be responsible. An alternative control server can still be useful to use for constraints environements. Headscale is an example of self-hosted implementation of the Tailscale control server that can run on Clever Cloud.


Docker Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_DOCKERFILEThe name of the Dockerfile to build.Dockerfile
CC_DOCKER_EXPOSED_HTTP_PORTSet to custom HTTP port if your Docker container runs on custom port.8080
CC_DOCKER_EXPOSED_TCP_PORTSet to custom TCP port if your Docker container runs on custom port.4040
CC_DOCKER_FIXED_CIDR_V6Activate the support of IPv6 with an IPv6 subnet int the docker daemon.
CC_DOCKER_LOGIN_PASSWORDThe password of your username.
CC_DOCKER_LOGIN_SERVERThe server of your private registry (optional).Docker’s public registry
CC_DOCKER_LOGIN_USERNAMEThe username to login to a private registry.
CC_MOUNT_DOCKER_SOCKETSet to true to access the host Docker socket from inside your container.false


.NET Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_DOTNET_PROFILEOverride the build configuration settings in your project.Release
CC_DOTNET_PROJThe name of your project file to use for the build, without the .csproj / .fsproj / .vbproj extension.
CC_DOTNET_TFMCompiles for a specific framework. The framework must be defined in the project file. Example : net5.0
CC_DOTNET_VERSIONChoose the .NET Core version between 6.0,
CC_RUN_COMMANDCustom command to run your application.


Elixir Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_ELIXIR_VERSIONChoose the Elixir version among those supported
CC_MIX_BUILD_GOALThe mix goal to build the application (default compile)
CC_PHOENIX_ASSETS_DIRFolder in which your Phoenix assets are located.
CC_PHOENIX_DIGEST_GOALPhoenix digest goal.phx.digest
CC_PHOENIX_RUN_ECTO_MIGRATEWhether to run ‘mix ecto.migrate’ or not.true
CC_PHOENIX_SERVER_GOALPhoenix server goal.phx.server
CC_RUN_COMMANDCustom command to run your application. Replaces the default behaviour.


Go Documentation

CC_GO_BUILD_TOOLAvailable values: gomod, gobuild. Build and install your application. goget still exists but is deprecated.
CC_GO_RUNDIRRun the application from the specified path, relative to $GOPATH/src/, now deprecated.
CC_GO_PKGTell the CC_GO_BUILD_TOOL which file contains the main() function, default main.go.


Haskell Documentation

CC_HASKELL_STACK_TARGETSpecify Stack package target.
CC_HASKELL_STACK_SETUP_COMMANDOnly use this variable to override the default setup Stack step command
CC_HASKELL_STACK_INSTALL_COMMANDOnly use this variable to override the default install Stack step command
CC_HASKELL_STACK_INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES_COMMANDOnly use this variable to override the default install --only-dependencies Stack step command
CC_RUN_COMMANDCustom command to run your application.


Java Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only
CC_DISABLE_MAX_METASPACEAllows to disable the Java option -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize
CC_EXTRA_JAVA_ARGSDefine extra arguments to pass to ‘java’ for jars.
CC_JAR_ARGSDefine arguments to pass to the jar we launch.
CC_JAR_PATHDefine the path to your jar.
CC_JAVA_VERSIONChoose the JVM version between 7 to 17 for OpenJDK or graalvm-ce for GraalVM (based on OpenJDK 11.0).21
CC_MAVEN_PROFILESDefine which maven profile to use during default build.
CC_RUN_COMMANDCustom command to run your application. Replaces the default behaviour.
CC_SBT_TARGET_BINDefine the bin to pick in the CC_SBT_TARGET_DIR.The first bin found in the CC_SBT_TARGET_DIR.
CC_SBT_TARGET_DIRDefine where pick the bin to run..Then /target/universal/stage/bin is concatenated.
GRADLE_DEPLOY_GOALDefine which gradle goals to run during build.
MAVEN_DEPLOY_GOALDefine which maven goals to run during build.
PLAY1_VERSIONDefine which play1 version to use between 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5
SBT_DEPLOY_GOALDefine which sbt goals to run during build.stage


Node.js Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_NODE_DEV_DEPENDENCIESControl if development dependencies are installed or not. Values are either install or ignoreignore
CC_RUN_COMMANDDefine a custom command. Example for Meteor: node .build/bundle/main.js <options>
CC_NODE_BUILD_TOOLChoose your build tool between npm, npm-ci, yarn, yarn2 and customnpm
CC_CUSTOM_BUILD_TOOLA custom command to run (with CC_NODE_BUILD_TOOL set to custom)
CC_NPM_REGISTRYThe host of your private repository, available values: github or the registry host.registry.npmjs.org
NPM_TOKENPrivate repository token


PHP Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_COMPOSER_VERSIONChoose your composer version between 1 and 22
CC_CGI_IMPLEMENTATIONChoose the Apache FastCGI module between fastcgi and proxy_fcgifastcgi
CC_HTTP_BASIC_AUTHRestrict HTTP access to your application. Example: login:password. You can define multiple credentials using additional CC_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_n (where n is a number) environment variables.
CC_MTA_AUTH_PASSWORDPassword to authenticate to the SMTP server
CC_MTA_AUTH_USERUser to authenticate to the SMTP server
CC_MTA_SERVER_AUTH_METHODEnable or disable authentication to the SMTP serveron
CC_MTA_SERVER_HOSTHost of the SMTP server
CC_MTA_SERVER_PORTPort of the SMTP server465
CC_MTA_SERVER_USE_TLSEnable or disable TLS when connecting to the SMTP servertrue
CC_OPCACHE_INTERNED_STRINGS_BUFFERThe amount of memory used to store interned strings, in megabytes.Default 4 (PHP5), 8 (PHP7)
CC_OPCACHE_MAX_ACCELERATED_FILESMaximum number of files handled by opcache.Default depends on the scaler size
CC_OPCACHE_MEMORYSet the shared opcache memory sizeDefault is about 1/8 of the RAM
CC_OPCACHE_PRELOADThe path of the PHP preload file (PHP version 7.4 or higher).
CC_PHP_ASYNC_APP_BUCKETMount the default app FS bucket asynchronously. If set, should have value async
CC_PHP_DEV_DEPENDENCIESControl if development dependencies are installed or not. Values are either install or ignore
CC_PHP_DISABLE_APP_BUCKETDisable entirely the app FS Bucket. Values are either true, yes or disable
CC_PHP_VERSIONChoose your PHP version among those supported8.3
CC_REALPATH_CACHE_TTLThe size of the realpath cache to be used by PHP120
CC_WEBROOTDefine the DocumentRoot of your project.
ENABLE_ELASTIC_APM_AGENTElastic APM Agent for PHPtrue if ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URL is defined, false otherwise
ENABLE_GRPCEnable the use of gRPC modulefalse
ENABLE_PDFLIBEnable the use of PDFlib modulefalse
HTTP_TIMEOUTDefine a custom HTTP timeout180
MEMORY_LIMITChange the default memory limit
SESSION_TYPEChoose redis to use it as session store
SQREEN_API_APP_NAMEThe name of your sqreen application.
SQREEN_API_TOKENOrganization token.


Python Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_HTTP_BASIC_AUTHRestrict HTTP access to your application. Example: login:password. You can define multiple credentials using additional CC_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_n (where n is a number) environment variables.
CC_NGINX_PROXY_BUFFERSSets the number and size of the buffers used for reading a response from the proxied server, for a single connection.
CC_NGINX_PROXY_BUFFER_SIZESets the size of the buffer used for reading the first part of the response received from the proxied server.
CC_PIP_REQUIREMENTS_FILEAllows you to define a custom requirements.txt filerequirements.txt
CC_PYTHON_BACKENDChoose the Python backend to use between daphne, gunicorn, uvicorn and uwsgiuwsgi
CC_PYTHON_CELERY_LOGFILERelative path to your Celery logfile: /path/to/logdir
CC_PYTHON_CELERY_MODULESpecify the Celery module you want to start
CC_PYTHON_CELERY_USE_BEATSet to “true” to activate Beat support
CC_PYTHON_MANAGE_TASKSComma-separated list of Django manage tasks
CC_PYTHON_MODULESelect which module you want to start with the path to the folder containing the app object. For example, a module called server.py in a folder called /app would be used here as app.server:app
CC_PYTHON_USE_GEVENTSet to true to enable Gevent
CC_PYTHON_VERSIONChoose the Python version among those supported3
ENABLE_GZIP_COMPRESSIONSet to true to gzip-compress through Nginx
GZIP_TYPESSet the mime types to compress.text/* application/json application/xml application/javascript image/svg+xml
HARAKIRITimeout (in seconds) after which an unresponding process is killed180
NGINX_READ_TIMEOUTRead timeout in seconds300
PYTHON_SETUP_PY_GOALCustom setup goal to be launch after requirements.txt have been installed
STATIC_FILES_PATHRelative path to where your static files are stored: path/to/static
STATIC_URL_PREFIXThe URL path under which you want to serve static file, usually /public
UWSGI_ASYNCNumber of cores to use for uWSGI asynchronous/non-blocking modes
UWSGI_ASYNC_ENGINESelect the asynchronous engine for uWSGI (optional)
WSGI_BUFFER_SIZEBuffer size (in bytes) for uploads.4096
WSGI_POST_BUFFERINGMaximal size (in bytes) for the headers of a request.4096
WSGI_THREADSNumber of threads per worker. (Default: automatically setup with the scaler size)
WSGI_WORKERSNumber of workers. (Default: automatically setup with the scaler size)

When your Python application doesn’t use one of the supported backends, with CC_RUN_COMMAND for example, it must listen on port 9000, not 8080.


NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_ENABLE_SIDEKIQEnable Sidekiq background processfalse
CC_HTTP_BASIC_AUTHRestrict HTTP access to your application. Example: login:password. You can define multiple credentials using additional CC_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_n (where n is a number) environment variables.
CC_NGINX_PROXY_BUFFERSSets the number and size of the buffers used for reading a response from the proxied server, for a single connection. Nginx documentation
CC_NGINX_PROXY_BUFFER_SIZESets the size of the buffer used for reading the first part of the response received from the proxied server. Nginx documentation
CC_RACKUP_SERVERThe server to use for serving the ruby applicationpuma
CC_RAKEGOALSA list of comma-separated rake goals to execute e.g. db:migrate, assets:precompile
CC_RUBY_VERSIONChoose the Ruby version to use but we strongly advise to set Ruby version in your Gemfile
CC_SIDEKIQ_FILESSpecify a list of Sidekiq configuration files e.g. “./config/sidekiq_1.yml,./config/sidekiq_2.yml”
ENABLE_GZIP_COMPRESSIONSet to true to gzip-compress through Nginx
GZIP_TYPESSet the mime types to compress.text/* application/json application/xml application/javascript image/svg+xml
NGINX_READ_TIMEOUTRead timeout in seconds300
STATIC_FILES_PATHRelative path to where your static files are stored: path/to/static
STATIC_URL_PREFIXThe URL path under which you want to serve static file, usually /public


Rust Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_RUSTUP_CHANNELThe rust channel to use. Use a specific channel version with stable, beta, nightly or a specific version like 1.13.0stable
CC_RUST_BINThe name of the binary to launch once built
CC_RUST_FEATURESThe list of features to enable
CC_RUN_COMMANDCustom command to run your application.

Add-ons environment variables

FS Bucket

FS Bucket Documentation

NameDescriptionRead Only
BUCKET_HOSTHostname of the bucket
CC_FS_BUCKETDefines which bucket to mount on which path


MongoDB Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only
MONGODB_ADDON_HOSTGenerated upon creation
MONGODB_ADDON_PORTGenerated upon creation
MONGODB_ADDON_DIRECT_HOSTPoints directly to the VM, bypassing reverse proxiesGenerated on demand via the dashboard
MONGODB_ADDON_DIRECT_PORTPoints to ectly to the VM, bypassing reverse proxiesGenerated on demand via the dashboard
MONGODB_ADDON_DBGenerated upon creation
MONGODB_ADDON_PASSWORDGenerated upon creation
MONGODB_ADDON_USERGenerated upon creation


MySQL Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only
MYSQL_ADDON_HOSTGenerated upon creation
MYSQL_ADDON_PORTGenerated upon creation
MYSQL_ADDON_DIRECT_HOSTPoints directly to the VM, bypassing reverse proxiesGenerated on demand via the dashboard
MYSQL_ADDON_DIRECT_PORTPoints to ectly to the VM, bypassing reverse proxiesGenerated on demand via the dashboard
MYSQL_ADDON_DBGenerated upon creation
MYSQL_ADDON_PASSWORDGenerated upon creation
MYSQL_ADDON_ROLEGenerated upon creation
MYSQL_ADDON_USERGenerated upon creation


ProxySQL Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only
CC_ENABLE_MYSQL_PROXYSQLEnable the ProxySQL featurefalse
CC_MYSQL_PROXYSQL_MAX_CONNECTIONSDefines the maximum number of connections the local ProxySQL will open to your MySQL add-on10
CC_MYSQL_PROXYSQL_USE_TLSEnable or disable secured connection using TLS to your MySQL add-ontrue
CC_MYSQL_PROXYSQL_SOCKET_PATHContains the path to the Unix Datagram Socket to connect to ProxySQL


PostgreSQL Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only
POSTGRESQL_ADDON_HOSTGenerated upon creation
POSTGRESQL_ADDON_PORTGenerated upon creation
POSTGRESQL_ADDON_DIRECT_HOSTPoints directly to the VM, bypassing reverse proxiesGenerated on demand via the dashboard
POSTGRESQL_ADDON_DIRECT_PORTPoints to ectly to the VM, bypassing reverse proxiesGenerated on demand via the dashboard
POSTGRESQL_ADDON_DBGenerated upon creation
POSTGRESQL_ADDON_PASSWORDGenerated upon creation
POSTGRESQL_ADDON_ROLEGenerated upon creation
POSTGRESQL_ADDON_USERGenerated upon creation


Pgpool-II Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault value
CC_ENABLE_PGPOOLEnables the Pgpool-II featurefalse
CC_PGPOOL_SOCKET_PATHContains the path to the Unix Datagram Socket to connect to Pgpool-IItrue
CC_PGPOOL_PCP_SOCKET_PATHContains the path to the Unix Datagram Socket to connect to PCPtrue
CC_PGPOOL_EXTRA_USERSAdd new user/password pairs to the pool_passwd file, separated by commas (user1:password,user2:password…)’ '
CC_PGPOOL_RESERVED_CONNECTIONSNumber of reserved connections0
CC_PGPOOL_LISTEN_BACKLOG_MULTIPLIERSpecifies the length of connection queue from frontend to Pgpool-II2
CC_PGPOOL_LEADER_WEIGHTWeight for backend 0 (Leader)1
CC_PGPOOL_NUM_INIT_CHILDRENNumber of concurrent sessions allowed16
CC_PGPOOL_MAX_POOLNumber of connection pool caches per connection1
CC_PGPOOL_CHILD_LIFE_TIMEPool exits after being idle for this many seconds300
CC_PGPOOL_CHILD_MAX_CONNECTIONSPool exits after receiving that many connections0 (no exit)
CC_PGPOOL_CONNECTION_LIFE_TIMEConnection to backend closes after being idle for this many seconds0 (no close)
CC_PGPOOL_CLIENT_IDLE_LIMITClient is disconnected after being idle for that many seconds (even inside an explicit transactions!)0 (no disconnection)
CC_PGPOOL_LOG_HOSTNAMEHostname will be shown in ps status and in logs if connections are loggedoff
CC_PGPOOL_LOG_STATEMENTLog all statementsoff
CC_PGPOOL_LOG_PER_NODE_STATEMENTLog all statements with node and backend informationsoff
CC_PGPOOL_LOG_CLIENT_MESSAGESLog any client messagesoff
CC_PGPOOL_LOG_STANDBY_DELAYLog standby delay. Valid values are combinations of always, if_over_threshold and noneif_over_threshold
CC_PGPOOL_CONNECTION_CACHEActivate connection poolson
CC_PGPOOL_REPLICATE_SELECTReplicate SELECT statements in replication modeoff
CC_PGPOOL_INSERT_LOCKAutomatically locks a dummy row or a table with INSERT statements to keep SERIAL data consistencyon
CC_PGPOOL_LOBJ_LOCK_TABLEWhen rewriting lo_creat command in replication mode, specify table name to lock’ '
CC_PGPOOL_REPLICATION_STOP_ON_MISMATCHOn disagreement with the packet kind sent from backend, degenerate the node which is most likely “minority” If off, just force to exit this sessionoff
CC_PGPOOL_FAILOVER_IF_AFFECTED_TUPLES_MISMATCHOn disagreement with the number of affected tuples in UPDATE/DELETE queries, then degenerate the node which is most likely “minority”. If off, just abort the transaction to keep the consistencyoff
CC_PGPOOL_LOAD_BALANCE_MODEActivate load balancing modeon
CC_PGPOOL_IGNORE_LEADING_WHITE_SPACEIgnore leading white spaces of each queryon
CC_PGPOOL_READ_ONLY_FUNCTION_LISTComma separated list of function names that don’t write to database (regexp are accepted)’ '
CC_PGPOOL_WRITE_FUNCTION_LISTComma separated list of function names that write to database (regexp are accepted)’ '
CC_PGPOOL_PRIMARY_ROUTING_QUERY_PATTERN_LISTSemicolon separated list of query patterns that should be sent to primary node (regexp are accepted)’ '
CC_PGPOOL_DATABASE_REDIRECT_PREFERENCE_LISTComma separated list of pairs of database and node id’ '
CC_PGPOOL_APP_NAME_REDIRECT_PREFERENCE_LISTComma separated list of pairs of app name and node id’ '
CC_PGPOOL_ALLOW_SQL_COMMENTSIf on, ignore SQL comments when judging if load balance or query cache is possibleoff
CC_PGPOOL_DISABLE_LOAD_BALANCE_ON_WRITELoad balance behavior when write query is issued in an explicit transaction. Valid values are “transaction”, “trans_transaction”, “dml_adaptive” or “always”transaction
CC_PGPOOL_DML_ADAPTIVE_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIP_LISTComma separated list of object pairs’ '
CC_PGPOOL_STATEMENT_LEVEL_LOAD_BALANCEEnables statement level load balancingoff
CC_PGPOOL_SR_CHECK_PERIODStreaming replication check period10
CC_PGPOOL_DELAY_THRESHOLDThreshold before not dispatching query to standby node Unit is in bytes10000000
CC_PGPOOL_HEALTH_CHECK_MAX_RETRIESMaximum number of times to retry a failed health check before giving up0
CC_PGPOOL_HEALTH_CHECK_RETRY_DELAYAmount of time to wait (in seconds) between retries1
CC_PGPOOL_CONNECT_TIMEOUTTimeout value in milliseconds before giving up to connect to backend10000
CC_PGPOOL_MEMORY_CACHE_ENABLEDUse the memory cache functionalityoff
CC_PGPOOL_MEMQCACHE_TOTAL_SIZETotal memory size in megabytes for storing memory cache64
CC_PGPOOL_MEMQCACHE_MAX_NUM_CACHETotal number of cache entries1000000
CC_PGPOOL_MEMQCACHE_EXPIREMemory cache entry life time specified in seconds0
CC_PGPOOL_MEMQCACHE_AUTO_CACHE_INVALIDATIONInvalidation of query cache is triggered by corresponding DDL/DML/DCLon
CC_PGPOOL_MEMQCACHE_MAXCACHEMaximum SELECT result size in kilobytes (must be smaller than MEMQCACHE_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)400
CC_PGPOOL_MEMQCACHE_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZECache block size in megabytes1
CC_PGPOOL_CACHE_SAFE_MEMQCACHE_TABLE_LISTComma separated list of table names to memcache that don’t write to database (regexp are accepted)’ '
CC_PGPOOL_CACHE_UNSAFE_MEMQCACHE_TABLE_LISTComma separated list of table names not to memcache that don’t write to database (regexp are accepted)’ '

Elastic Stack

Elastic Stack Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only
ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URLURI to connect APM ServerGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_APM_HOSTAPM Server hostnameGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_APM_AUTH_TOKENAuthentication token to send metrics to APM ServerGenerated upon creation
ELASTIC_APM_SECRET_TOKENAuthentication token to send metrics to APM ServerGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_APM_USERUsername credential used by APM Server to send metrics to ElasticsearchGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_APM_PASSWORDPassword credential used by APM Server to send metrics to ElasticsearchGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_KIBANA_HOSTKibana hostnameGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_KIBANA_USERUsername credential used by Kibana to query ElasticsearchGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_KIBANA_PASSWORDPassword credential used by Kibana to query ElasticsearchGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_URIURI to query ElasticsearchGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_HOSTElasticsearch hostnameGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_USERUsername credential to authenticate to ElasticsearchGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_PASSWORDPassword credential to authenticate to ElasticsearchGenerated upon creation
ES_ADDON_VERSIONElasticSearch Version7


NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only
ENABLE_BLACKFIREEnable the Blackfire extensionfalse
CC_BLACKFIRE_SERVER_TOKENThe server token used to authenticate with Blackfire’ '
CC_BLACKFIRE_SERVER_IDThe server id used to authenticate with Blackfire’ '
CC_BLACKFIRE_LOG_LEVELSets the verbosity of Agent’s log output1
CC_BLACKFIRE_MEMORY_LIMITSets the maximum allowed RAM usage (megabytes) when ingesting traces500
CC_BLACKFIRE_COLLECTORSets the URL of Blackfire’s data collectorhttps://blackfire.io
CC_BLACKFIRE_TIMEOUTSets the Blackfire API connection timeout15
CC_BLACKFIRE_STATSDSets the statsd server to send agent’s statistics’ '
CC_BLACKFIRE_STATSD_PREFIXSets the statsd prefix to use when sending datablackfire

New Relic

NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only
NEW_RELIC_APP_NAMEContains the application name
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEYContains your New Relic account license


NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only
ADDON_PULSAR_BINARY_URLThe complete URL to use in your applicationGenerated upon creation
ADDON_PULSAR_BINARY_PORTThe port to connect to the Pulsar ClusterGenerated upon creation
ADDON_PULSAR_HOSTNAMEThe host to connect to the Pulsar ClusterGenerated upon creation
ADDON_PULSAR_HTTP_URLThe complete URL to connect with WebSocketGenerated upon creation
ADDON_PULSAR_HTTP_PORTThe port to connect with WebSocketGenerated upon creation
ADDON_PULSAR_NAMESPACEYour add-on Pulsar IDGenerated upon creation
ADDON_PULSAR_TENANTYour Clever Cloud tenant IDGenerated upon creation
ADDON_PULSAR_TOKENYour Biscuit authentication tokenGenerated upon creation


Redis Documentation

NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only
REDIS_HOSTGenerated upon creation
REDIS_PORTGenerated upon creation
REDIS_PASSWORDGenerated upon creation


NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only


The VPN add-on provides a fixed-ip outgoing node. This can be used to work with services protected by ip address filtering. VPN_ADDON_* variables will be provided by Clever Cloud upon setup, the only configuration you have to provide is a list of CIDRs (eg. for which you want the traffic to be routed through the exit node.

NameDescriptionDefault valueRead Only
CC_VPN_DNS_OVERRIDESComma-separated list of DNS IP
VPN_ADDON_CACRTServer CA certificate
VPN_ADDON_CIPHERCipher to use CIPHER, can be either {cipher_suite}:{hmac_alg} or only {cipher_suite}DES-EDE3-CBC:SHA1
VPN_ADDON_CRTClient certificate
VPN_ADDON_DEVTYPEKernel virtual interface kind to use (“tap” or “tun”)tap
VPN_ADDON_HOSTServer host or IP address
VPN_ADDON_KEYClient certificate private key
VPN_ADDON_TAKEYPre-shared secret
VPN_TARGETSComma-separated list of CIDRs for which you want the traffic to be routed through the exit node
Last updated on

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