Roles and Organizations

Roles and Organizations

In order to improve team collaboration between developers, accountants, managers and admins, we have introduced organizations. Each organization has its own billing, leaning that you can create as much as orgnanization you’d like. Most use-cases include the billing separation of private and business applications, several businesses or business units (within one company, for instance).

Once you create an organization, you can add collaborators and assign them roles which gives them rights.

Each organization have its own identifier looking like orga_xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Add an organization

Organization names are unique. It means that you cannot use an already used organization name.

In order to add an organization, just click on “Add an organization” in the top left sidebar.

Roles and privileges

The table below describes rights assigned to roles:

Add Member
Remove Member
Add Application
Remove Application
Add / Remove add-on
Edit Organization
Delete Organization
Access Bills & Receive Invoices
Access Repositories
Last updated on

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