

Choose your Stack

Find here specific instructions related to your application’s language.

How To Deploy X if It Isn’t Natively Supported

If your favorite runtime is not available, you can deploy it on Clever Cloud by Dockerizing it and make it run in a Docker instance. You will probably find a basic Docker file for your technology on the Docker hub.

Refer to the Docker section of this documentation to know how to deploy your Dockerized application.

If you are out of options, contact our support team and we’ll come up with a solution with you.

Environment Variables

You can control deployments and set your application configuration with environment variables:

Common to All Applications

  • Applications on Clever Cloud listen on port 8080. Be sure you application is able to listen on port 8080 before deploying.
  • Deployments on Clever Cloud are immutable: if your app restarts, last pushed commit will be deployed with your current environment variables.
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