Add-on API

Clever Cloud offers you to sell your service as an add-on through the dashboard. This article will document how you can technically plug into the platform to provide add-on provision, deprovision, and configuration via the dashboard.

There are two faces here:

  • The add-on provider API - The API you need to provide and document to allow Clever Cloud’s backend to request provision and de-provision of add-ons.

  • The add-on infos API - The API Clever Cloud provides to allow you to get information about provisioned add-ons and their owners.

Add-on Provider API

This is the API you need to provide to allow Clever Cloud to provision an add-on for a customer.

How it works

When a Clever Cloud customer uses the marketplace to provision an add-on, Clever Cloud sends a request to your service which provides a new add-on for this app.

Build an add-on

To become an add-on provider, you need to provide the provisioning API as defined below. You can implement your API in any language. The Sample Code section will show you examples in various languages / frameworks.

To document your API, and start the process of becoming an add-on provider, you need to send to a manifest file. This file contains a JSON that describes your add-on.

Example manifest

Here is what the manifest JSON must look like:

  "id": "addon-name",
  "name": "Addon Name",
  "api": {
    "config_vars": [ "ADDON_NAME_MY_VAR" ],
    "regions": [ "eu" ],
    "password": "44ca82ddf8d4e74d52494ce2895152ee",
    "sso_salt": "fcb5b3add85d65e1dddda87a115b429f",
    "production": {
      "base_url": "",
      "sso_url": ""
    "test": {
      "base_url": "http://localhost:9000/clevercloud/resources",
      "sso_url": "http://localhost:9000/clevercloud/sso/login"


  • id - An id for your add-on. All lower case, no spaces or punctuation. Underscores and dashes are allowed. This can’t be changed after the first push. It is also used for HTTP basic auth when making provisioning calls.

  • name (Optional) - A human readable name for your add-on. You will be able to change it later in the dashboard, so you don’t even have to provide it right now.

  • api/config_vars - A list of config vars that will be returned on provisioning calls. Each config_var name MUST start with the capitalized, underscorized add-on id, as in the example.

  • api/password - Password that Clever Cloud will send in HTTP basic auth when making provisioning calls. You should generate a long random string for that field.

  • api/sso_salt - Shared secret used in single sign-on between the Clever Cloud admin panel and your service’s admin panel. You should generate a long random string for that field.

  • api/regions - The list of geographical zones supported by your add-on. It cannot be empty. As for now, it MUST contain the element “eu”. More will be supported.

  • api/production/base_url - The production endpoint for Clever Cloud api actions (provision, deprovision, and plan change).

  • api/production/sso_url - The production endpoint for single sign-on.

  • api/test/base_url - The test endpoint for Clever Cloud api actions. Used to test your service when you create an add-on provider. Then it is the api/production/sso_url which is used.

  • api/test/sso_url - The test endpoint for single sign-on. Used to test your service when you create an add-on provider. Then it is the api/production/base_url which is used.


To secure the calls between your Clever Cloud and API, please provide a HTTPS connection. The second step to secure the calls is to use a Basic authentication. The username must be your provider id (in our example, it is ‘addon-name’), and the password must be the the password field set in your manifest.

So your provider API must check that all calls to it are authenticated with these user and password.

Sample with Flask in Python

from functools import wraps
from flask import request, Response

def check_auth(username, password):
    """This function is called to check if a username /
    password combination is valid.
    return password == '44ca82ddf8d4e74d52494ce2895152ee'

def authenticate():
    """Sends a 401 response that enables basic auth"""
    return Response(
    'Could not verify your access level for that URL.\n'
    'You have to login with proper credentials', 401,
    {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Poney required"'})

def requires_auth(f):
    def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
        auth = request.authorization
        if not auth or not check_auth(auth.username, auth.password):
            return authenticate()
        return f(*args, **kwargs)
    return decorated


When a customer installs your add-on, Clever Cloud issues a POST request to your service to provision a resource for his app.

The request will be the following:

Request: POST {base_url}
Request Body: {
  "addon_id": "addon_xxx",
  "owner_id": "orga_xxx",
  "owner_name": "My Company",
  "user_id": "user_yyy",
  "plan": "basic",
  "region": "EU",
  "callback_url": "",
  "logplex_token": "logtoken_yyy",
  "options": {}
Response Body: {
  "id": "myaddon_id",
  "config": {
    "ADDON_NAME_MY_VAR": "some value"
  "message": "Some provisioning message"

The request body contains the following fields:

  • addon_id - The id we give to your add-on to identify it on our side.

  • owner_id - The id of the customer this add-on will belong to.

  • owner_name - The name of the customer. (Actually, the name of the organisation)

  • user_id - The id of the user that is performing the action of provisioning this add-on. (The user will do it for the account of owner_id).

  • plan - The slug field for the plan the user chose. You can create plans in the dashboard once your add-on manifest has been uploaded to the Clever Cloud platform. We send you the slug of the given plan, not its name.

  • region - The region to provision the add-on. As for now, only “EU” will be sent.

  • callback_url - The URL you can use to get informations about the add-on and the user. This URL is available as soon as the provisioning is done. You can’t use this URL during the POST call.

  • logplex_token - Deprecated, don’t use it.

  • options - String -> String map with options.

The response body contains the following fields:

  • id - The add-on id as seen from your side. It MUST be a String.

  • config (Optional) - A String -> String map with value for each config_var defined in your manifest. A key that is not in your config_vars will be ignored.

  • message (Optional) - A creation message we will display in the dashboard.


When a customer deletes your add-on, Clever Cloud issues a DELETE request to your service to deprovision a ressource for his app.

The request will be the following:

Request: DELETE {base_url}/{addon_id}
Request Body: none
Response Status: 200
  • addon_id - This is the same as the id field set in the response to the provisioning call.

Plan change

When a customer wants to change it’s add-on’s plan, Clever Cloud issues a PUT request to your service.

The request will be the following:

Request: PUT {base_url}/{addon_id}
Request Body: {
  "addon_id": "addon_xxx",
  "plan": "premium"
Response Body: {
  "config": { ... },
  "message": "your message here"
  • addon_id - This is the same as the id field set in the response to the provisioning call.

The request body contains:

  • addon_id - The add-on’s id as seen from our side.

  • plan - The name of the new plan.

The response body contains:

  • config - The value for the new config map. Same constraints as in the provisioning response.

  • message - A message displayed in our dashboard.


Your service probably has a web UI admin panel that your users log into to manage and view their resources.

Clever Cloud customers will be able to access the admin panel for their resource if you implement single sign-on.

Clever Cloud will generate a single sign-on token by combining the salt (a shared secret), timestamp, and resource ID. The user’s browser will be redirected to your site with this token. Your site can confirm the authenticity of the token, then set a cookie for the user session and redirect them to the admin panel for their resource.

When the user clicks your add-on in their add-on menu, they will be directed via HTTP POST to a URL defined in your manifest.

POST <production/sso_url>
Request Body: id=<id>&token=<token>&timestamp=<timestamp>&nav-data=<nav-data>&email=<email>
  • The hostname or sso_url comes from your add-on manifest.
  • The id is the ID for the previously provisioned resource.
  • The timestamp is a millisecond timestamp. You SHOULD verify that the timestamp is not older than 15 minutes.
  • the token is computed using the formula below.
  • Nav data contains information like the current app name and installed add-ons for Clever Cloud Dashboard.


The token field in the sso call, is created as follow:

sha1sum(id + ':' + sso_salt + ':' + timestamp)


  • id - The id of the connecting add-on. This is the id you returned on the provision call.

  • sso_salt - The sso_salt field defined in your manifest.

  • timestamp - The timestamp field of the sso request.

Sample in Python

from hashlib import sha1
import time

id = "1234"
salt = "fcb5b3add85d65e1dddda87a115b429f"
timestamp = str(time.time())
token = sha1(id + ':' + salt + ':' + timestamp).hexdigest()
print token

This will return:


Add-on Infos API

This API is part of the Clever Cloud API. The base URL for the Clever Cloud API is:

You should prefix your calls by this base URL.

Authentication for Add-on Infos API

To secure the calls between your API and Clever Cloud, The Clever Cloud API is behind a HTTPS connection. The second step to secure your calls is to use a Basic authentication. The username must be your provider id (in our example, it is ‘addon-name’), and the password must be the password field set in your manifest.

Example call to Clever Cloud add-on infos API

curl -XGET -u addon-name:44ca82ddf8d4e74d52494ce2895152ee


List all add-ons provided by you

GET /vendor/apps
Response Body: [
    "provider_id": "addon-name",
    "addon_id": "addon_xxx",
    "callback_url": "",
    "plan": "test",
    "owner_id": "user_foobar"
  }, {
    "provider_id": "addon-name",
    "addon_id": "addon_yyy",
    "callback_url": "",
    "plan": "premium",
    "owner_id": "orga_baz"
  • provider_id - Should be the same as the “id” field of your uploaded manifest.

  • addon_id - The add-on’s id from Clever Cloud’s POV.

  • callback_url - URL to call to get more informations about this add-on.

  • plan - The current plan of this add-on.

  • owner_id - The id of the owner that provisioned the add-on. This should never change.

Get informations about a specific add-on

Caution: this endpoint is not available during the provisioning call. If you want informations, you need to reply to the provisioning call, then you can call this endpoint.

GET /vendor/apps/{addonId}
Response Body: {
  "id": "addon_xxx",
  "name": "My addon-name instance",
  "config": {"MYADDON_URL": ""},
  "callback_url": "",
  "owner_email": "",
  "owner_id": "orga_baz",
  "owner_emails": ["", ""],
  "region": "eu",
  "domains": []

This endpoint gives you more informations about a provisioned add-on.

  • id - The add-on id from Clever Cloud’s POV.

  • name - The name the user gave to this add-on in the Clever Cloud dashboard.

  • config - Config vars as you defined during the provision call.

  • callback_url - The URL you just called.

  • owner_email - One of the owner’s email address.

  • owner_emails - All the owner’s email addresses.

  • owner_id - The id of the owner that provisioned the add-on. This should never change.

  • region - The region this add-on is located in. As for now, we only support “eu”.

  • domains - Originally the domains names for the application owning the add-on. We return an empty list.

Update the config vars for an add-on

Caution: this endpoint is not available during the provisioning call. If you want informations, you need to reply to the provisioning call, then you can call this endpoint.

PUT /vendor/apps/{addonId}
Request Body: {
  "config": {
    "ADDON_NAME_URL": ""
Response Status: 200 OK

The object should only contain the config object your API returned during the provisioning.

Sample code

Add-on Skeleton in Python

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from flask import Flask, redirect, Response, jsonify, request
import auth
import provision

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
  Render the home template
  return redirect("")

@app.route('/clevercloud/resources', methods=['POST'])
def clevercloud_create_resource():
  data = request.json
  msg = provision.add(**data)
  return jsonify(msg)

@app.route('/clevercloud/resources/<string:id>', methods=['DELETE','PUT'])
def clevercloud_action_resource(id):
  data = request.json
  if request.method == 'POST':
    msg = provision.del(id,**data)

  if request.method == 'PUT':
    msg = provision.update(id,**data)

  return jsonify(msg)

def clevercloud_sso_login():
  return Response(status=200)

if __name__ == "__main__":'',port=9000,debug=True)

Add-on API template using scala and Play! framework 2

Add-on API template using Node.js

Last updated on

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