Tendances Cloud 2013, 10 experts share their visions

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How could human beings understand the noise around our Cloud computing's world? From questions like "what's a true Cloud?" or ambiguous terms like "Hybrid Cloud", it's getting harder to have a clear vision of Cloud computing.

That's why this week "Tendances Cloud", a french whitepaper about 2012 cloud's trends, has been released. Clever Cloud is very proud to have contributed to this high-quality ebook, thanks to Quentin Adam (@waxzce on Twitter).

We hope this whitepaper will help you to anticipate your IT's transformations, understand some technical aspects of the cloud and success your cloud migration.

10 experts of french Cloud computing co-written this whitepaper, and this great initiative was launched by Power On — a French social media agency — and was also supported by IBM.

You can download the whitepaper for free here: www.tendances-cloud.com


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