Customer Testimonial – Nicolas Martignole – CaptainDash

Nicolas Martignole, CTO @ CaptainDash, pitches this startup and tells about his customer experience with Clever Cloud. Challenges, improvements, migration….

Hello Nicolas, Can you introduce your startup?
CaptainDash is a software editor which helps its customers to build meaningful data representations. We collect data through APIs in order to create simple and dynamic dashboards. Our product has a back-end and a front-end (web, Android but mostly iOS).

Concerning the hosting part, what are your main challenges? Can you share some metrics with us to give us an idea?
We needed an economical and resilient infrastructure and our B2B product needs more ressources during the week than during the weekend. Clever Cloud offers a simple auto-scaling solution. It allows us to always offer the best service at a lower cost than a traditional infrastructure as a service.

How did you discover Clever Cloud?
Thanks to Quentin Adam’s conferences.

When did you start using it and what do you think?
For CaptainDash, it has been 9 months. We are very satisfied of the support and of the quality of the platform. It’s more system administration tasks automation than cloud, strictly speaking.

Did you save money or improve performances in comparison to your previous hosting provider?
Mostly savings. We had a USD 7,000 bill with a big american cloud hosting provider. Their pricing was complex and it became counter-productive having to do system administration all the time. What Clever Cloud offers is a better service and less human intervention. We saved 35% of the company’s cash flow running on Clever Cloud. With a better service.

Was it simple to switch hosting provider? *
Yes except for the database. Clever Cloud has to add and reinforce security. Multi-factor authentication with Google Auth, etc… For contractual reasons, it partly delayed our database migration.

What do you most like on Clever Cloud?
Simplicity and product coherence. Auto-scaling too.

What features are you expecting the most? *
MFA security reinforcement.

How would you describe Clever Cloud to someone who doesn’t use it yet?
It’s a humanless hosting provider with a very human support.

[*] Note: 2FA was live for everyone just a few days after the interview.


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