Object storage: simply import/export your data, free of charge

objectif storage bannier charge
Still with the aim of limiting data output costs, we are working to reduce charge on importing and exporting object storage data.

While Clever Cloud offers its customers solutions that are quick and easy to implement, we have always been attached to the respect of standards and of an open Web, where customers don’t suffer any “lock-in”. Developing an application for our platform requires no particular customization. Just a few parameters to configure.

Thus, it’s easy to deploy an existing service on Clever Cloud, or to leave it. Our approach is not to hold our users captive by gimmicks, but rather to ensure their well-being. This responsible approach to PaaS and to the Cloud is winning over a growing number of customers and players alike, inspiring legislators to reconsider the legislation in this area.

Simplicity without lock-in

In recent months, egress fees have been under the spotlights. These outgoing traffic charges are sometimes used, among other mechanisms, to discourage customers from leaving a Cloud services offering that was sometimes generously free at the beginning.

We’ve made no secret of our position on this issue: such fees should never be used to retain customers. They should be able to leave a provider or any of its services whenever they want, without undue hindrance. That’s why we’ve always been in favor of limiting such fees, with identical rules for all players offering their services on the French and/or European market.

Our vision is similar when it comes to free “coupons”, sometimes excessively offered, leading to a distortion of the market to keep customers captive, as we’ve been seeing for years.

That’s why we’ve always been careful to avoid any entry or exit fees on our services, and to guarantee our customers total freedom. The sole exception is our Cellar object storage (S3 compatible) offering, where we apply outgoing traffic fees. While this offer is currently being overhauled to better meet our customers’ needs, with pricing changes in the process, we have decided to implement a simplified exit procedure until then.

Come (or go) as you please

Any customer will be able to request to leave Cellar or Clever Cloud, via our support or a form that will be available on our website, and not be charged with outgoing traffic fees. The details of this procedure will be set out in our general terms and conditions in the coming days, and will then apply to any customer who requests it.

On the other hand, those who want to benefit from our services, hosted in France, can be supported in their migration from a third-party. In addition to the tools already available on the market, we have also developed our own massive data import solution for some of our customers. And of course, our sales team is always ready to listen to your specific needs.


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