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Clever Cloud @QCON LONDON

French version below
Quentin ADAM, CEO of Clever Cloud, will talk about JavaScript as Data…


Connaissez-vous les datacenters ?

Le cloud computing repose sur une infrastructure qui souvent n'est pas la propriété de l'hébergeur.…

The Europas: We are in the shortlist for Best French Startup!

Good news today:

I'm pleased to announce that the Europas, an european tech awards event,…


Hackathon Open Data Fall 2012, Nantes

Want to try the brand new Open Data materials from Pays-de-la-Loire and Loire-Atlantique? Come to…


Clever Cloud User Group: help us to build your favorite cloud platform

Shortly after we launched Clever Cloud, we've opened this week the CC User Group! This…


Tendances Cloud 2013, 10 experts share their visions

How could human beings understand the noise around our Cloud computing's world? From questions like…


Clever Cloud and Wakanda offer JS.everywhere() vouchers !!

Hurry up JS developers! From the 16th to the 17th of november, the JS.everywhere()


Clever Cloud gives you the https way to social apps

Clever Cloud is designed to let you code and create wonderful applications able to enable…


Dublin Web Summit Startup Competition : Clever Cloud is Finalist !

We are pleased to announce our selection in the shortlist of this year's Startup…
