Customer Testimonial – Philippe Sultan – Ottspott

This week, Philippe Sultan, CTO @ Apidaze, editor of Ottspott, tells us about his experience using Clever Cloud.

Can you introduce Ottspott?

Ottspott allows to link a Slack team to one or more phone numbers and to answer or call with these phone numbers. Basically, it’s a simple phone system for Slack users. On Clever Cloud, we host the Ottspott application in two versions, the website and the desktop app encapsulated in a webview.

Concerning the hosting part, what are your main challenges?

We need our application to be up all the time (like everyone else), but latency is an important parameter in our case. For example, the received phone calls have to be displayed as soon as possible to our users. That’s why latency has to be reduced to its minimum. Today, we are below the quarter of a second for events’ notifications; which is pretty good.

How did you discover Clever Cloud?

We were looking for a French hosting provider for Ottspott and we found Clever Cloud searching on the Internet.

When did you start using it and what do you think?

It has been a year and a half since we started using Clever Cloud and are very satisfied. Integration tutorials are clear and exhaustive. We specifically like the platform’s flexibility to deploy newer versions of our application, it’s painless for our users. And the support is top-level.

Did you save money or improve performances in comparison to your previous hosting provider?

We especially saved time externalizing DevOps tasks to a performing hosting provider. Previously we hosted ourselves our applications. This saved time is very important in terms of organization and development speed. It allowed us to exclusively focus on the core of our application.

Was it simple to switch hosting provider?

Yes. Actually, we had a set of virtual machines on which we were maintaining the OS, the necessary libraries for our application and the app itself. We also had performance and availability problems on those machines; therefore changing hosting provider was necessary.

What do you most like on Clever Cloud?

Clever Cloud is simple to use, performant and improved our efficiency. These points are fondamental for us.

What features are you expecting the most?

I’ve heard something about http/2, I think that if it’s not already implemented, it shouldn’t last long.

How would you describe Clever Cloud to someone who doesn’t use it yet?

Clever Cloud is a platform which makes developers’ life easier.


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