Weekly Platform Update #28

The Weekly Platform Update is a series of posts about every impactful changes on Clever Cloud. You’ll find the updated parts of Clever Cloud below, to follow fixes, updates, new products and more on a weekly basis. Here is Platform Update #28.


  • rustup stable @ 1.21.0
  • linux @ 4.13.5
  • nvm @ 0.33.5
  • node @ 8.6.0
  • yarn @ 1.1.0


  • Console: Various bug fixes
  • Elasticsearch @ 5.6.3
  • MySQL: Percona-Server @ 5.7.19
  • Cellar: credentials can now be renewed


  • Documented the logs drains
  • Crons page improvements
  • Ruby page updates
  • CC-defined variables in a new table


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