The Clever Cloud Blog
The Commit Log

What is Clever Cloud ?

BSO & Clever Cloud: Announcing New-York Zone
One more Data Center on the way!
Good news everyone, a new Clever Cloud zone…

Welcome, Nodejitsu Users!

Clever Cloud and the POODLE battle
We are disabling the support of SSLv3 in front of our platform the Friday, 24th…

Is Clever Cloud Vulnerable to Shellshock?
Did you like [Heartbleed?]({{ site.basepath }}/features/2014/04/08/openssl-101g-update.html) Meet Shellshock — aka CVE-2014-6271 — a new bug…

Introducing the North America Region
We are finally landing in America! As most of our customers are outside of Europe,…

Welcome, CloudBees Developers

Update OpenSSL 1.0.1g
Yesterday, a security patch of OpenSSL 1.0.1g was issued, fixing a pretty critical vulnerability (refered…
Handling a Massive TV Effect on Your Website
French version below
On Saturday 11 January, Denis Payre, the president of 'Nous Citoyens'…
Clever Cloud dans le Frenchweb Tour
French Only
Le Frenchweb Tour a fait étape à Nantes et s'est intéressé à Clever…
Introducing Databases as a Service on Clever Cloud
French version below
Another kind of 'external' DBsUntil now, databases hosted on Clever Cloud…
How would you convince your boss to choose Clever Cloud as a hosting service in a 5mn pitch?
French version below
Like a Christopher Colombus having an audience with the Queen Isabella, you…