The Clever Cloud Blog

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Top today's news

Materia KV: our easy-to-use serverless key-value database is available to all

Materia KV: our easy-to-use serverless key-value database is available to all

Clever Cloud was born out of a desire to make life easier for developers, by providing them automation tools and interfaces, so that they can concentrate on their applications and sites.

Materia KV, Functions: discover the future of Clever Cloud at Devoxx Paris 2024

Clever Cloud is proud to present its new range of serverless products: Materia!

Clever Cloud achieves ISO 27001 : 2022 certification

We are proud to announce that Clever Cloud has achieved a major milestone in its ongoing commitment to the security and confidentiality of our customers' data: ISO 27001 : 2022 certification.
Company Press

Clever Cloud structures itself to support its organic growth

In 2023, Clever Cloud has once again made great strides, with a significant increase in its turnover. Having recently passed the 60-strong mark, the company is welcoming new profiles to support its development, and is expanding its Management Committee.
Company Press

Our journey to a better Clever Cloud

Over two years ago, we decided to strengthen the Clever Cloud team. At that time, our goal was to better support our customers in their growth, respond to their requests and complete the development of new products more efficiently. Discover our evolution.

How to Deploy your Elixir/Phoenix Application to Production

Hi everyone! Today let's follow a simple deployment tutorial to learn how to deploy your…

Force HTTPS on Clever Cloud applications

It is now possible to force HTTPS redirection! No more .htaccess black magic, no redirection…


Cellar a S3-like service for Rails’ Active Storage

Introduced with the release of Rails 5.2 , Active Storage replaces previous solutions for storing…


Integrate Metabase in Ruby on Rails

Today, I am proposing a very simple tutorial. I needed to integrate a Metabase dashboard…


Deploy node projects as static – MDX-Deck demo

As some of you may know, we love to present tech talks at Clever Cloud,…

Elastic Basics: Indexation

In my last article I created a simple Canvas workpad in my Kibana. To…


Elastic feature presentation: Canvas

You like Kibana? You will love Canvas

Canvas is a feature that comes inside our…


Get Elastic APM ready in 5′ on Clever Cloud

APM means Application Performance Monitoring. When we say APM in the IT context, we refer…


Upcoming 2020 conferences

At Clever Cloud, we really love tech conferences. It is a great opportunity for us…


Clean up your Rails Controllers with Service Objects

Fat Models and skinny Controllers right?

You know what they say about the MVC design…


Setup your Ruby on Rails Online Dev Environment

In this tutorial we are going to install the latest version of RubyOnRails and deploy…

SEO basics for developers

Yeah… I know… Our job (and what we love) is to code. And SEO is…

Really understand Rails templating

As a web developer, my first framework ever was RubyOnRails and I still keep a…


Link your Gandi domain to your Clever Cloud app

In today's article I show you how to simply link the domain name you bought…


Bring your API to the World Within 3 Minutes

A couple years ago, I was a developer for a startup which has almost no…


How to Fork Things the Right Way

Some open source git repos host really useful code but are sometimes not maintained.

