The Clever Cloud Blog

The Commit Log

All posts in Features

Introducing Service Dependencies

At Clever Cloud, we've started using microservices before it was cool™. Today we're excited to…


Introducing Trace, a new add-on

If you’re used to code micro-services with Node.js, you may be familiar with the frustration…


S3 Storage “Clever Cloud Cellar” Emerges from Beta

Storing files and assets on Clever Cloud just got easier. After a year of beta…


Setup your Private Parse Server in Production

Parse is a BaaS (Backend as a Service) for mobile applications. They provide a…

Announcing New PHP Versions

So, we have been a bit late when it came to supporting PHP 5.6. But…


How to Optimize your PHP Applications on Clever Cloud

PHP is quite popular in website creation. A lot of famous/popular CMS and frameworks are…

Introducing our Public API and Clever CLI

Two things, today: the Clever Cloud public API is here and so is the Clever…


Introducing Redis by Clever Cloud…

We're super excited to roll-out the new Redis by Clever Cloud add-on for all of…

Introducing Redsmin on Clever Cloud

Earlier this year we’ve promised some great news. Here we are: we’re proud to announce…


Github breaking changes that require your interaction

A couple of days ago, Github made breaking changes regarding the way other companies can…


Introducing io.js VS Node.js – Press Start

Change is happening in the Node landscape.
A group of rebels forked the main Node project,…


Docker Support Done Right

We believe in simplicity. We’re on a mission to make the deployment and the application…


Dashboard Update 3.1

Hello from Team Clever Cloud!

We are quite excited to release a major new…


GitHub Login is Here!

As you may have noticed, Clever Cloud added GitHub integration for signup and login…

Clever Cloud and the POODLE battle

We are disabling the support of SSLv3 in front of our platform the Friday, 24th…


Is Clever Cloud Vulnerable to Shellshock?

Did you like [Heartbleed?]({{ site.basepath }}/features/2014/04/08/openssl-101g-update.html) Meet Shellshock — aka CVE-2014-6271 — a new bug…


Wilcards on Domain Names

We've just released a new feature in the domain names management! You can define for…

Good news, we’re lowering our prices!

Last february, we've made a massive pricing update. With hindsight, we felt the need the…


Announcing the New Dedicated Databases

Today we are releasing a brand new database service which features better performances, more storage…


Update OpenSSL 1.0.1g

Yesterday, a security patch of OpenSSL 1.0.1g was issued, fixing a pretty critical vulnerability (refered…
